Irena's Cleaning Services

Control humidity in style

Because of the Great Lakes, southern Ontario, including Scarborough, Markham, Toronto, Missisauga, Aurora, Burlington, New Market, Richmond Hill, Vaughn, Etobicoke and other GTA areas experience a lot of humidity.Humidity can affect our home comfort and put at risk our health. Moist air and surfaces to grow on, toxic mold can florist when indoor humidity is […]

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Some thoughts about King City

The water in King City tends to have high calcium levels due to the natural composition of the soil and rocks in the region. As water flows through the ground, it picks up minerals like calcium. Over time, these minerals accumulate and form deposits, especially when the water evaporates, leaving behind calcium residue. To get

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New clients

Good News!We are currently accepting new clients of the King Township We also accepting new clients of York region- Aurora, Town of East Gwillimbury, Town of Georgina, City of Markham, Town of New Market, City of Ri hmond Hill, City of Vaughn, Town of Whichchurch-Stoffville.

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